Unlock Revenue Potential by Engaging Affluent Users with Intelligent Insights

Identify acquisition, retention and upsell opportunities with the help of
Data Intelligence and AI

we are building with

How it works

What We Do

Real-Time Profiling

Get updated details of customers at any point.Ensuring the data for the customers is up to date always to understand the customer better.

Connection Graphs

Find Prospect's closest connection to existing Customer/RM. Parameters like Demographics, Experience, Education etc are considered.

Intelligent Triggers

Know about the important events of the customers in form of tiggers Identify opportunities to upsell from the existing customers as an when they happen (Eg. Job change, Esop buyback etc.)

Customer 360°

Understand customer's spending habits and patterns to identify opportunities. Data from third party sources consent based to further enrich the intelligence around customer.

How we are doing ?

Thousands of Indian businesses undergo liquidation, raising billions of rupees annually.

Recent Liquidations

Millions of Indians enter retirement each year, marking a significant life transition.

Recent Retirements

10 million + weddings are celebrated each year, making it one of the largest market.

Recent Marriages

4.2 million Indians change their jobs each year for better opportunities.

Recent Job Changes

30 million Indians relocate each year for employment or education.

Recent Moves

Our Offerings

Altiro : AI People Research

An AI agent enriches the profiles of prospects and customers with public data and identifies opportunities for cross-selling and upselling.

Opulix :Affluent Users Identification and Outreach

An AI agent serves as a co-pilot for sales and strategy teams, assisting them in identifying new affluent users and facilitating personalised outreach through email, LinkedIn, and WhatsApp.

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How can data intelligence and AI help identify affluent users?

Data intelligence and AI analyze extensive data to identify patterns and behaviors indicative of affluence. By combining various data sources, these technologies provide insights into financial behaviors, spending patterns, and lifestyle choices, enabling precise targeting of affluent users.

What acquisition strategies can be enhanced through data intelligence and AI?

Data intelligence and AI enhance acquisition strategies by identifying high-potential prospects through predictive modeling and segmentation. They help create personalized marketing campaigns that resonate with affluent users and optimize media spend by targeting channels frequented by these users.

How do data intelligence and AI improve user retention and upsell opportunities?

These technologies monitor and analyze user behavior in real-time to identify churn risks and dissatisfaction early. By understanding affluent users' preferences, businesses can create tailored retention strategies and personalized offers. AI also recommends products or services based on users' interests and past behaviors, boosting upsell conversions.

What are the benefits of using intelligent insights for engaging affluent users?

Intelligent insights allow for personalized experiences, efficient marketing, predictive engagement, competitive advantage, and increased revenue through targeted acquisition, retention, and upsell strategies.